history of doctrines
Free Will in Clement of Alexandria, Origen of Alexandria, Methodius of Olympus and Athanasius of Alexandria
The following thesis follows the thoughts of four early Eastern Church fathers in regards to free will. Saint Clement of Alexandria, Origen of Alexandria, Saint…
Recapitulation and Salvation in Irenaeus of Lyon
Irenaeus of Lyon is well known for his use of the term recapitulation (??????????????) in his main work Against Heresies. This thesis examines the intersection…
The Primitive Advance of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the First and Second Century Church
The core of every religion is the definition of deity. For Christianity, the doctrine of God centers on the confession of the Trinity: God the…
Early Trinitarianism in the Apostolic Fathers: A Comparative Study of 1 Clement and the Ignatian Corpus
The thesis of this paper is that although Ignatius of Antioch exhibits more explicit trinitarian expressions than I Clement, these two early Christian writings express…
The Genesis Creation Narratives: Through the Lenses of a Historical-Critical Perspective and the Creation/Evolution Debate
This thesis will examine the creation narratives in three different ways. First, an examination of other ancient Near Eastern Creation accounts will be conducted. It…
Luther’s Genesis Lectures on the Hidden God Who Reveals Himself
This paper will not deal with text-critical issues concerning the Genesis lectures. An analysis of secondary sources is minimized in preference for the primary source.…
The Egalitarian Use of the Trinity as a Model for Gender Relations
The current debate concerning gender relations in the church and in the home has neither subsided nor made much progress towards reconciliation. While egalitarian arguments…
Augustine & Barth’s Views of Evil: Theodicy in Postmodern Context
In this thesis, I attempt to show the need for an understanding of past views of theodicy, while also paving the way, via postmodern thought,…
"The Old Evil Foe Now Means Deadly Woe": The Works of the Devil in the Theology Of Martin Luther
The purpose of this research is to find out how Martin Luther understood the works of the Devil. The focus is not on speculative demonology,…