Are We Still Fighting the Crusades Session 2 Part 1
The First Crusade is covered and its successes and the rise of the Latin Kingdoms.
Are We Still Fighting the Crusades Session 2 Part 2
The rise of Saladin the fall of Jerusalem to the Muslims and the Third Crusade.
Are We Still Fighting the Crusades Session 3 Part 2
The belief in relics and effect that relics had on the soldiers during the Crusades.
Are We Still Fighting the Crusades Session 1 Part 1
An introduction to the Crusades and the connection between the Roman Church and the idea of crusades.
32 – Why did the Babylonian exile occur?
Dr. Gard explains why Judah was exiled to Babylon and the events that lead up to the exile.
Origen’s Role in the Formation of the New Testament Canon
This thesis examines the influence of the Church father Origen, ca. 185 – 254, on the formation and development of the New Testament canon.
Chapter 13, Why the Bible
Dr. Kloha provides a summary of the Lutheran Doctrine of Scripture. He contrast this with Islam and Mormonism.
Under the Cross of Christ—Yesterday, Today, Forever: Reflections on Lutheran Hispanic Ministry in the United States
Collecting together the essays from the historic first Hispanic National Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (2003), this book encompasses a number of crucial voices…
The Lutheran Parochial School: Dates, Documents, Events, People
The book tracks the history of the Lutheran Parochial School by identifying significant years as touchstones in the growth and change of church-related education.