Holy Spirit
23 – What does Luther mean when he says that it is the Holy Spirit, not us, who does sanctification?
Dr. Kolb explains Luther’s view of the Holy Spirit and the role of sanctification.
Ezekiel 2:1-5
Ezekiel 2:1-5 is appointed for Proper 9, Series B. There is a gap between God and man. God bridges that gap by speaking His Word…
The Role of The Holy Spirit in Old Testament Salvation
How were people saved in the OT? Has there been more than one way of salvation throughout history? What was the Holy Spirit’s role in…
Special Issue: A Spirituality for the Lutheran School (presented at Lutheran High School South, St. Louis, MO.)
Dr. Sanchez explains Spirituality for the Lutheran School.
The Spirit’s Witness: A Historical and Theological Examination of the Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum
An adequate account of the epistemology of theology must take into consideration the work of the Holy Spirit in the self-communicative action of the triune…
The Resurrection and Paul’s Pneumacentric Gospel in Romans
Romans mentions the Holy Spirit more than any of Paul’s other letters, excluding 1 Corinthians, which is primarily about Spirit issues (??????) occurs in 1…
Paul Through the Ages_ Session 4, Part 3
All people are justified by faith. The coming of Christ (Judgment/Cross, Resurrection, Holy Spirit/Pentecost) is the end of history ahead of time. Christ is the…
The Augsburg Confession: the Apology on the Sacraments & the Public Ministry
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss what it meant by a "New Obedience and Good Works "in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession Articles 4…