Homiletics helps
Advent 4 • Isaiah 7:10–17 • December 22, 2013
The sign of Immanuel is a sign of hope and promise, of grace and mercy, for Jesus has come to be with us, with forgiveness,…
Proper 14 • Job 38:4–18 • August 10, 2014
In keeping with the flow of the book of Job, the preacher should replace the listener’s sense of indignation with a sense of wonder at…
Holy Trinity • Acts 2:14a, 22–36 • May 31, 2015
For Peter, gifted now with the Holy Spirit, all that has taken place was promised long ago and has unfolded according to God’s “definite plan…
Lent 5 • Hebrews 5:1–10 • March 22, 2015 Sermon Notes
The end result (telos) of Christ’s high priestly work, which was “made perfect” or complete when he himself cried, “It is finished,” is the “eternal…
Lent 5 • Ezekiel 37:1–14 • April 6, 2014
The resurrection is coming: that is the goal, and it brings hope to a hopeless people, not just death but resurrection.
Transfiguration • 2 Corinthians 3:12–13 (14–18); 4:1–6 • February 15, 2015
As Paul uses this image of the veil to describe what happens with unbelievers when they hear God’s word, this image should not be directly…
1Proper 11 • Ephesians 3:14–21 • July 26, 2015
The good news is that the Gentile believers now fully belong as household members (3:19) to the God of Israel, the Father of Jesus (Eph…
Baptism of Our Lord • Isaiah 42:1–7 • January 12, 2014
Through the baptismal covenant, we are united with Christ and receive his blessings.