Homiletics helps
Transfiguration Sunday • Exodus 24:8–18 • March 2, 2014
If OT Israel needed a mediator, the one named and appointed to approach the presence of God on behalf of the people, how much greater…
Easter 7 • 1 John 5:9–15 • May 17, 2015 Testifying in the Courtroom
In true Johannine fashion, the apostle offers us a contrast between two opposing principles at war with each other, namely, the way of the Son…
Easter 7 • Acts 1:12–26 • June 1, 2014
God has one covenant people of God, including his OT people built on the twelve sons of Israel/Jacob and his NT people built on the…
Epiphany 4 • Micah 6:1–8 • February 2, 2014
We are the beneficiaries of God’s new and, indeed, greater paradigm, Christ.
Easter 4 • Acts 2:42–47 • May 11, 2014
All who believed quite naturally and quite regularly shared all things in common, as would, as should, the superabundantly blessed persons of a singular household…
Proper 21 • James 5:(1–12) 13–20
Regardless of which section of the pericope one selects, all three share the following themes: we are to live out our identity in Christ even…
Epiphany 6 • Deuteronomy 30:15–20 • February 16, 2014
Choice within the context of Deuteronomy 30 is not a matter of picking and choosing. Choice is a covenant term wherein God is the subject.
Epiphany 2 • Isaiah 49:1–7 • January 19, 2014
This is the great epiphany—the mystery hidden for ages but now revealed, the surprising “new thing” of God’s salvation!
Proper 10 • Ephesians 1:3–16 • July 12, 2015
It is through the durability of these promises applied to us that we find both the faithfulness and strength to love our neighbors, marking us…