Homiletics helps
Epiphany 7 • Leviticus 19:1–2, 9–18 • February 23, 2014
What are our lives to look like and how can they best reflect Christ? It is from this perspective that Leviticus 1–2, 9–18 have something…
Easter 4 • 1 John 3:16–24 • April 26, 2015 Preliminary Considerations
Christians do not simply resign from this world of harassment, resentment, and sorrow, but endure hardship trusting in the reconciling love God has lavished for…
Proper 21 • Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32 • September 28, 2014
The preacher is encouraged to give attention to the rhetorical structure of the pericope that reconstructs a conversation between Yahweh and Israel through Ezekiel, although…
Proper 10 • Isaiah 55:10–13 • July 13, 2014
From Promise to Triumph
Proper 23 • Hebrews 3:12–19
Sin becomes altogether too common and familiar and so “safe.” The writer to the Hebrews screams the contrary alert: Sin kills.
Epiphany 5 • Isaiah 58:3–9a • February 9, 2014
When we put up an appearance of righteousness without attendant love manifesting itself in deeds for the neighbor, we only fool ourselves and, in the…
Proper 18 • James 2:1–10, 14–18
For faith alone can justify; Works serve our neighbor and supply The proof that faith is living.
Proper 23 • Isaiah 25:6–9 • October 12, 2014
Jesus’s own resurrection, however, is a first fruits and so a foreshadowing of that day. In his Son Jesus, Yahweh has initiated his eschatological reign…
Lent 2 • Romans 5:1–11 • March 1, 2015
Suffering does not save, but those who have found salvation and peace in Christ can expect the hostility of Satan in the midst of daily…