Homiletics helps
Proper 24 • Isaiah 45:1–7 • October 19, 2014
The clear point is that “God is God, and we are not,” nor is any human government. When we look at the world around us,…
Epiphany 5 • 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 • February 8, 2015
In a portion of the Collect the worshipper joins in praying that God the loving Father would enable him to do those things that are…
Lent 4 • Ephesians 2:1–10 • March 15, 2015
Secure in our relationship with God (by grace through faith – first kind of righteousness) we are empowered by God to live as God’s people…
Reformation Day • Revelation 14:6–7 • October 26, 2014
Our God, our “ever present help in distress” is present with us in Christ who holds us tightly and sustains us with his Spirit in…
Lent 1 • James 1:12–18 • February 22, 2015
We need to let James be James. We ought not try to make him sound like Paul, or John, or Peter, or anyone else.
Proper 15 • Ephesians 5:6–21
The Christian Life, A Wake up Call.
Pentecost • Acts 2:1–21 • May 24, 2015
The gift of the resurrection comes to fruition in the Gentile Pentecost as peoples of all the nations die and rise in the baptismal bath…
Proper 14 • Ephesians 4:17–5:2
This pericope is typical of the latter portion of Paul’s letters, that is, it deals with everyday matters of the Christian life
Proper 27 • 2 Thessalonians 2:1–8, 13–17 • November 10, 2013
Paul’s purpose is to quell fears that the day of the Lord has already come, to confirm these believers in their call to faith, and…