Homiletics helps
Epiphany 3 • Isaiah 9:1–4 • January 26, 2014
The unrepented sins of Israel received their due; so the sins of our age will not go unpunished by God unless people confess their sins…
Proper 19 • James 3:1–12
Christians are absolutely forbidden to speak evil of other people—even if what they say is technically “true.”
Christmas 1 • Isaiah 63:7–14 • December 29, 2013
Deluded by the illusion of self-mastery and bolstered by the culture’s eager affirmation of the supremacy of the individual, autonomous man is as resistant to…
Proper 7 • Jeremiah 20:7–13 • June 22, 2014
Our text follows the account of the prophet smashing a clay jar (19:1–12) symbolizing the way God will smash the nation of Israel for their…
Epiphany • Isaiah 60:1–6 • January 5, 2014
Who are those in our neighborhood who have yet to be drafted into Jesus, the new Israel, brought into the light of the Lord, so…
Proper 20 • Isaiah 55:6–9 • September 21, 2014
God therefore calls all humanity to true repentance, that is, to abandon their own wicked thoughts and ways and to return to God in faith—for…
All Saints’ Day • Revelation 7:9–17 • November 2, 2014
Washed and clothed in white robes, God will “shelter them with his presence .
Easter 6 • Acts 17:16–31 • May 25, 2014
The true God is not detached and uninterested in humanity, as the philosophers understood the gods to be, but rather God is truly interested and…