hypostatic union
Systematics II 09A
Dr. Biermann discusses Chemnitz’s view of the Two Natures of Christ.
Systematics II 07A
Dr. Biermann explains the Lutheran view of the 2-Natures and 1-Person of Christ.
Genetics: Day Six Part 3
Dr. Weise leads the class through a discussion of original sin and body and soul and how they are intertwined.
17 – Why does Luther seem to emphasize Christ’s deity over his humanity?
Dr. Kolb covers Luther’s understanding of the hypostatic union.
The Hypostatic Union
The Hypostatic union helps to explain the divine and human natures of Christ.
Negations of Chalcedon
The final resolution of the heresies about Christ as true God and true man are resolved.
The Incarnation
The different ideas of how God and man could exist in the same person at the same time.
The Ecumenical Creeds, Part Three
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss the Athanasius Creed and the forces that created the need for it.