I Am Statement

  • John 6:51-69

    John 6:51-69 is appointed for Proper 15, Series B. The Holy Spirit works through both the proclaimed Word and the sacramental Word. There is a…

  • John 8:48-59

    John 8:48-59 is appointed for Trinity Sunday, Series C. The preexistence of Jesus ties Him to the Father. The Word that Jesus brings to us…

  • John 9:1-41

    John 9:1-41 is appointed for Lent 4, Series A. The blind man represents humanity. He is helpless, but Jesus seeks him out. He is rejected,…

  • John 10:1-10_1

    John 10:1-10 is appointed for Easter 4, Series A. Jesus is the Door or the Gate, through which we come in and go out. He…

  • John 10:1-10_1a

    John 10:1-10 is appointed for Easter 4, Series A. Jesus moves from the image of the Door to the Shepherd. By laying down His life…

  • John 10:11-18_1

    John 10:11-18 is appointed for Easter 4, Series B. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus protects the helpless sheep from their enemies. He saves us from…

  • John 10:11-18_1a

    John 10:11-18 is appointed for Easter 4, Series B. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. By laying down His soul, He restores our souls. By facing…

  • John 11:1-45 (46-53)_1

    John 11:1-45 (46-53) is appointed for Lent 5, Series A. Dr. Gibbs focuses on verses 4, 14, 21-27, 32-46. Jesus performed this miracle so that…

  • John 11:1-45 (46-53)_1a

    John 11:1-45 (46-53) is appointed for Lent 5, Series A. God’s glory is shown by His deeds. Jesus heads to His death in Jerusalem at…