Engaging Our Culture Faithfully
If the problem we face is not the secularization of society but the secularization of the church brought about by importing expressive individualism into the…
From Jesus to the Bible and Back Part 4
Dr. Nafzger examines the Modern battle over Biblical interpretation and how both sides are missing the point of the Bible as the Word of God.
45 – What is meant by calling the church a vending machine?
Dr. Schulz explains the American perspective of church as a vending machine.
41 – What is unique about the American religious story?
Dr. Rast explains the effect of democracy on the American religious story.
05 – How is a personal testimony different from a confession of faith?
Dr. Arand explains the differences between the use of personal testimony and creeds and why Americans are more likely to use a personal testimony.
05 – What is the biblical foundation of Christian worship?
Dr. Just explains the Jewish idea of holiness.
The doctrinal issues with materialism, evolution and creationism for Christians.