Proper 27 • Amos 5:18–24 • November 9, 2014
Through Amos, Yahweh roars judgment to the neighboring kingdoms around Judah and Israel.
Proper 21 • Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32 • September 28, 2014
The preacher is encouraged to give attention to the rhetorical structure of the pericope that reconstructs a conversation between Yahweh and Israel through Ezekiel, although…
Lent 3 • Exodus 17:1–7 • March 23, 2014
Like the people of Israel, Satan will seek to draw them too into complaining, murmuring, and unbelief. Urge your hearers not to be like the…
Post-Holocaust Interpretations of ’??????? in Romans 9:6–9 and 11:25–27
This thesis paper surveys various interpretations of ?????? in Rom 9:6–9 and 11:25–27 during the post-Holocaust context of Jewish-Christian relations to determine the exegetical questions…
Honorable Shame: The Rhetorical Use of Didactic Shame Discourse in Ezekiel 36:16-32
Mudge, Ronald R. “Honorable Shame: The Rhetorical Use of Didactic Shame Discourse in Ezekiel 36:16-36” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2012.328 pp. After promising Israel such…
Aspects of the Calendar of the Hebrew Bible and its Theological Significance
The purpose of the thesis is twofold. We endeavor to provide the exegetical base for the understanding of the calendar used by God’s4people in the…
A Contemporary Application of the Parables of Growth
The purpose of our study is to look at the canonical text of the four parables of growth; namely, the Sower, the Mustard Seed, the…
Shepherd, Sheep, and Goats; A Study in Old Testament Concepts and Imagery
The problem which this paper is concerned with, therefore, has to do with the meaning of flock imagery when itis applied to the nation of…