Jesus is Lord
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 1, Revisited
Dr. Peter revisits the method of interpretation and outlines the Book of Revelation. Session 2 begins.
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 12, Part 3
Dr. Peter interprets the meaning of the male child in Chapter 12.
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 1, Part 4
Dr. Peter answers the question, “When?” John wrote in about A.D. 95, during a time when Christians were being persecuted.
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 5, Part 2
Dr. Peter discusses Chapter 5, which concerns the Heavenly “Worth-ship” of the Lamb that had been Slain.
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 6, Part 1
Dr. Peter discusses Chapter 6, in which the opening of the scroll represents the unfolding of the future following Christ’s ascension.
John 15:9-17
John 15:9-17 is appointed for Easter 6, Series B. God loves us; therefore, we love others. We should obey. When our love fails, God’s love…
Session 2 Part 2
The class discusses what it means to call Jesus Christ Lord and how that is the basic confession of faith.