justification by faith
Is the Christian in the Flesh? An Apocalyptic Reading of Galatians 5:16–26
Paul’s letter to the Galatians, according to the traditional reading, is read through a sixteenth century paradigm to answer the question, “How is a person…
58 – Where does Paul develop his doctrine of justification by faith alone in his writings?
Dr. Oschwald proves that Paul teaches justification by faith alone throughout his writings.
57 – Was the issue faced by Paul over justification by faith the same as the issue faced by Luther?
Dr. Oschwald explains the "New Perspectives of Paul" in the light of Luther’s reading of Paul.
68 – What Scripture passages present the doctrine of justification?
Dr. Maxwell explains justification and how Luther viewed the concept of justification.
31 – How did the Augsburg Confession come to be written?
Dr. MacKenzie gives an overview of why and how the Augsburg Confession was written along with the Apology.
32 – Is Justification the key to the Augsburg Confession?
Dr. Schulz uses Articles 3 & 4 from the Augusbueg Confessions to explain the Lutheran view of Justification.
25 – Did Luther and Melancthon always agree?
Dr. Kolb looks at some of the differences between Luther and Melanchthon and points out that they often were difference in emphasis not doctrine.