Holiness Unto Whom? John Wesley’s Doctrine of Entire Sanctification in Light of The Two Kinds of Righteousness
It is the thesis of this dissertation that Wesley’s “distinctive doctrine” of ‘entire sanctification’—indeed, his entire ordo salutis—is predicated upon a different theological starting point…
038.Meet the Professors: Professor Mark Seifrid Part 1
Dr. Kloha inteviews Dr. Seifrid on his path to rediscoving Luther and how it led to teaching at Concordia Seminary.
The New Perspective from Paul
The strong attraction which Judaism held for Paul’s converts in Galatia and elsewhere is hard to explain if Israel as a whole was generally lamenting…
Shaped by the Spirit: Spirit Christology as a Framework for Preaching Sanctification
Rusnak, Jonathan W. “Shaped by the Spirit: Spirit Christology as a Framework for Preaching Sanctification.” S.T.M. Thesis, Concordia Seminary, 2014. 128 pp. This thesis offers…
John 14:15-21_1
John 14:15-21 is appointed for Easter 6, Series A. The Holy Spirit works differently after Pentecost. The Father sends the Son, who gives the Holy…
Philippians 3:(4b–7) 8–14
Philippians 3:(4b–7) 8–14, Paul explains his path to find Jesus and how even in prison he has not reached the goal and strives every day…
Genesis 15:1-6
Genesis 15:1-6 is appointed for Proper 14, Series C. While Abram’s faith fluctuates, the Word of God’s Promise remains constant. God gives and strenthens faith.
Amos 5:18-24
Amos 5:18-24 is appointed for Proper 27, Series A. God requires righteousness from His people. Jesus is Israel reduced to One, and He was perfectly…
The Servant Justifies Many
Isaiah shows God justifying his creation through Christ and the writers of the New Testament reflect much of Isaiah’s words.