93 – Has progress been made on a Lutheran and Catholic agreement on the matter of justification?
Dr. Maxwell explains why the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has not signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ).
92 – Do other churches agree with Lutherans on justification?
Dr. Maxwell gives his opinion about how other denominations interpret and practice justification.
94 – What is the intersection between christology and AC IV?
Drs. Scaer and Maxwell look at the Doctrine of Justification through the Articles of Confession IV.
91 – Why is justification the article by which the church stands or falls?
Dr. Maxwell explains the statement that the church stands or falls on justification.
62 – Why do Lutherans talk about justification so much?
Dr. Maxwell explains the meaning of justification.
28 – Will we be judged by works at the eschaton?
Prof. Ziegler explains how good works will be weighed based on our faith at the final judgment.
60 – What is role or the first chief article of the Smalcald Articles?
Dr. Arand explains why the Smalcald Articles were laid out and why they were laid out in that manner.
45 – Is there a theological framework which can help make sense of the Apology?
Dr. Arnad explains the purpose and what can be learned from the Apology to the Augsburg Confessions.
16 – Were there other issues which Luther had with the Catholic church not in the 95 Theses?
Dr. Robinson explains that Luther had other issues with the Catholic Church besides indulgences.