Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 3
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Recorded live at Concordia Seminary Lay Bible Institute, February 2-23, 2000.
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 6
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Recorded live at Concordia Seminary Lay Bible Institute, February 2-23, 2000.
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 5
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Recorded live at Concordia Seminary Lay Bible Institute, February 2-23, 2000.
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 1
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Recorded live at Concordia Seminary Lay Bible Institute, February 2-23, 2000.
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 2
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Recorded live at Concordia Seminary Lay Bible Institute, February 2-23, 2000.
Light for our World: Essays Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Concordia Seminary
The essays cover an incredibly wide range of topics—from theological education to biblical hermeneutics to justification to “real-life ministry,” and everything in between—written by a…
Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon’s Later Loci
It is the purpose of this study to investigate how forensic justification, the third use of the Law, and the free will of the regenerate…
Melanchthon’s Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes
It is a commonplace among many Lutheran theologians that Philip Melanchthon was a synergist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate this theological judgment…
Selections Translated from the Loci Theoiogici by Johann Gerhard
An article in the December 14, 1981 issue of the Reporter begins: “Lutheran theologians do a good job of emphasizing salvation through faith in Jesus…