Kingdom of God
Mark 10:2-16 1
Mark 10:2-16 is appointed for Proper 22, Series B. God never wants a marriage to fail; there are no excuses. Children are helpless; God accomplishes…
Mark 9:38-50
Mark 9:38-50 is appointed for Proper 21, Series B. Serve and support those who spread the Kingdom of God. Serve one another. The call to…
Mark 1:29-39
Mark 1:29-39 is appointed for Epiphany 5, Series B. Jesus’ healings and exorcisms are manifestations of the renewal of creation that comes in Jesus Christ.
Mark 9:30-37_1
Mark 9:30-37 is appointed for Proper 20, Series B. The disciples did not understand Jesus or the nature of the Kingdom of God, especially Christ’s…
Mark 1:14-20_1
Mark 1:14-20 is appointed for Epiphany 3, Series B. In the calling of the first disciples, the active reign and rule of God was present…
Mark 10:17-21 (28-30)
Mark 10:17-22 is appointed for Proper 23, Series B. Mark 10:23-31 is appointed for Proper 24, Series B. Dr. Voelz translates Mark 10:17-27.
Mark 1:14-20_1a
Mark 1:14-20 is appointed for Epiphany 3, Series B. Hearing leads to following. Having been called to repentance and faith, we now proclaim the Kingdom…
John 3:1-17
John 3:1-17 is appointed for Trinity Sunday, Series B, and for Lent 2, Series A. Birth from above is the same as new birth. Seek…
Isaiah 11:1-10_1
Isaiah 11:1-10 is appointed for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, Series A. The Righteous Branch who comes from the stump of Jesse is the New…