Romans 10:5-7
Romans 10:5-7 Pentecost 8. Righteousness comes from the Word of God through your heart.
Romans 7:14-25a
Romans 7:14-25a Proper 9 Paul discusses the inner war of the Christian life.
Romans 8:6-11
Romans 8:6-11 5th Sunday in Lent Paul describes a believer’s life in the Spirit.
Romans 5:1-8
Romans 5:1-8 Third Sunday in Lent series A Paul describes the results of justification.
Romans 4:1-8, 13-17
Romans 4:1-8, 13-17 second Sunday in Lent series A Paul describes justification in Abraham’s life.
Romans 5:12-14
Romans 5:12-19 First Sunday in Lent series A Paul contrasts death in Adam and the gift of life in Christ.
The Theological Message of Amos 7:10-17 in Harmony with its Literary Structure
This thesis demonstrates the significance of studying the historical narrative (Amos 7: 10-17) in its present position between the third and the fourth vision reports…
Water as a Metaphor for the Holy Spirit in Johannine Pneumatology
In formulating a working definition of metaphor for the purposes of this thesis, we will follow the lead of Murfin and Ray, Travers, and others…
Use of Gar in the New Testament
The primary purpose of this study is to determine the use of yap in the New Testament. It entails three specific tasks: a scrutiny of…