09 – Are the rest of Walther’s theses just as practical as those already discussed?
Dr. Fickenscher discusses Walther’s view of mortal and venal sins.
Paul Through the Ages_ Session 1, Part 2
How has Paul’s doctrine of the Law been understood throughout the history of the church? Galatians 3:19-4:7 is the focus. Marcion thought the New Testament…
A Proposed Prolegomenon for Normative Theological Ethics with a Special Emphasis on the Usus Didacticus of God’s Law
The purpose of this study is to examine and organize some of the current contrasting methodologies of theological ethics in an attempt to determine the…
The "I" in the Storm: Paul’s Use of the First Person Singular in Romans 7
The purpose here is not merely “to spill more ink.” Rather, it is to address approaches to and facets of these issues which have not…
Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon’s Later Loci
It is the purpose of this study to investigate how forensic justification, the third use of the Law, and the free will of the regenerate…