Left Hand kingdom
A People Called to Love: The Christian’s Calling in the Political-Social Realm: Theological Reflection of the Lutheran Reformation
How Christians can be active in both the Church and the world to serve God.
The Christian’s Calling in the Political-Social Realm: Theological Reflection of the Lutheran Reformation
How Christians can be active in both the Church and the world to serve God.
Living as Citizens of Heaven – Session 3 Part 1
In the Left Hand Kingdom we are to care for God’s creation and those he created.
001- The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto discuss the two kingdoms doctrine of Martin Luther.
029- The Two Kingdoms – An Interview with Dr. Ron Rall
Dr. Siemon-Netto and Dr. Rall discuss the Left Hand and Right hand Kingdoms and when and how a pastor should respond to the Left Hand…
The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto discuss the two kingdoms doctrine of Martin Luther.