Epiphany 5 • 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 • February 8, 2015
In a portion of the Collect the worshipper joins in praying that God the loving Father would enable him to do those things that are…
Proper 17 • Jeremiah 15:15–21 • August 31, 2014
Though the Lord “understands,” Jeremiah grieves over the persecution he is suffering and questions whether the Lord will be “like a deceptive brook.”
Johann Walter- Pioneer Church Musician
The intent of this paper is to show how the practical aspects of church music in the Reformation Era and in succeeding generations proclaimed the…
Orality as the Key to Understanding Apostolic Proclamation in the Epistles
Redaction criticism and its modern successors in the literary field, while they give more credit to the text and the author, have at the same…
An Entry Level Lutheran Liturgy for Members and Guest
Influences inside and outside the Lutheran Church are pressing for change in worship style from liturgical to some free form alternative. Often the purpose is…
Celebrating God’s Grace: An Adult Information Course which Teaches the Doctrine of the Church as it is Expressed in the Worship of the Church
The writer did a thorough study of the ongoing relationship of worship and doctrine as an influence in the formation of Lutheran worship practices. He…
An Historical Analysis of the Doctrine of the Ministry in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Until 1962
This study will analyze the historical background of statements on the doctrine of the ministry within The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (hereafter identified as the Missouri…