Talking to Jesus
If the beginning of the twenty-first century is marked by “Epicurean indifference,” the temptation to doctrinally focused people is, quoting Melanchthon again, “Pharisaic pride.” What…
Ad Gloriam Dei Humanism and Theology in David Chytraeus’ Regulae Studiorum
Cook, Timios E. “Ad Gloriam Dei: Humanism and Theology in David Chytraeus’ Regulae Studiorum.” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2017. 296 pp. Luther theologian David Chytraeus…
Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon’s Later Loci
It is the purpose of this study to investigate how forensic justification, the third use of the Law, and the free will of the regenerate…
Melanchthon’s Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes
It is a commonplace among many Lutheran theologians that Philip Melanchthon was a synergist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate this theological judgment…
The Lutheran Confessions and St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans
This paper will investigate the use of Scripture by the Lutheran Confessions in their presentation of important Scriptural teachings. Such an undertaking, however, would be…