Mission of the church
Mark 9:38-50
Mark 9:38-50 is appointed for Proper 21, Series B. Serve and support those who spread the Kingdom of God. Serve one another. The call to…
Mark 9:38-50 1
Mark 9:38-50 is appointed for Proper 21, Series B. The important thing is that the message of the Gospel go out. All will be judged…
Mark 1:14-20_1a
Mark 1:14-20 is appointed for Epiphany 3, Series B. Hearing leads to following. Having been called to repentance and faith, we now proclaim the Kingdom…
Micah 6:1-8
Micah 6:1-8 is appointed for Epiphany 4, Series A. In light of the full salvation history, “the rightous acts of the Lord,” we should be…
Genesis 12:1-9_1
Genesis 12:1-9 is appointed for Lent 2, Series A. The call of Abram was not so that God’s salvation would be limited, but rather that…
Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9
Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 is appointed for Proper 17, Series B. Teaching the words and deed of God leads to life and life abundant. Bible teaching…
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 3 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses the Church, American Government, the Enlightenment, and the concept of “rights.”
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 4 Part 2
Dr. Biermann discusses Christians as citizens of both realms. We should care about the Left-Hand Realm, but the church should be the church.