missions — theory
Engaging the World Christian Communities in Contemporary Global Societies
The chapters in this volume represent the lived experiences of Christians in diverse communities across the globe. It reinforces that Christian communities do not live…
Mission At and From the Margins Patterns, Protagonists and Perspectives
It is our hope that these chapters, though fragmentary in nature, will provide glimpses of how the ‘margins’ can both inform and re-form missiological thought…
A Century of Catholic Mission Roman Catholic Missiology 1910 to the Present
A Century of Catholic Mission surveys the complex and rich history and theology of Roman Catholic Mission in the one hundred years since the 1910…
Foundations for Mission
Three broad foundations for a theology of mission are identified and explored in this volume. Mission begins with the nature of the loving, triune God,…
Orthodox Perspectives on Mission
The collected volume is divided into two parts: Part I under the subtitle The Orthodox Heritage consists of a limited number of representative Orthodox missiological…
Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation
The primary reason is that we view “reconciliation” as a new paradigm of mission. Related to this is a second reason, namely, that some of…
Life-Widening Mission Global Perspectives from the Anglican Communion
A vision for holistic mission emerges clearly from each of the contributions. Shalom as a vision for wholeness of life emerges in different ways in…
Mission and Postmodernities
This volume is simply given the title Mission and Postmodernities, and its content is divided into four main parts: a dialogical introduction; elaborations on the…
Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic World Christian Mission among Other Faiths
"The relationship of Christian faith and mission to other living faiths is a core issue in contemporary mission. In a world where plurality of faiths…