[Seminary Chorus] Agnus Dei
A Recording of the Concordia Seminary Chorus and the Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus.
[Seminary Chorus] Gentle Stranger
The male choir Laudamus of Concordia Seminary Chorus, directed by Rev. Henry V. Gerike presents 19 familiar and new perspectives on Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany…
[Seminary Chorus] Hope
A recording of the Concordia Seminary Chorus, the Alumni Centennial Chorus, and Laudamus; the Reverend Hentry V. Gerike, Director
[Bach at the Sem] 10th Anniversary Year
The Music of J.S. Bach and the Leipzig Circle
[Seminary Chorus] Safe in God’s Faithfulness
Recorded in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri, 2006-2007. Casavant organ (III/63 ranks), 1991.
74 – What does Luther’s German mass teach us about using music in worship?
Dr. Brauer explains what Luther’s German mass teaches us about using music in worship.
80 – How can pastors approach cultural dimensions in worship within their congregations?
Dr. Brauer explains how to decide which cultural dimensions to be aware of when planning a church service.
020- The Two Kingdoms – An Interview with Dr. Fred Baue, Part 1
Dr. Siemon-Netto and Dr. Baue discuss the Left-hand and right-hand kingdoms and how it applies to the world of music and art.
[Bach at the Sem] February 19, 2006
Recorded live broadcast of February 19, 2006, 3:00 p.m. on KFUO-FM Classic 99.1