Natural Law
Living as Citizens of Heaven – Session 2 Part 2
What is the Left Hand Kingdom of God and how does it gives us freedom to try?
Leviticus (18:1-5), 19:9-18
Leviticus (18:1-5), 19:9-18 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, covers living as the people of God by loving our neighbor.
Woman and Man – Session 1 Part 1
Dr. Biermann lays the groundwork, discussing sources of authority, Law and Gospel, Creation, and Christian anthropology.
04 – Is only the Gospel a means of grace?
Prof. Ziegler explains why the Gospel is the only means of Grace.
13 – What value is there in teaching people about natural law?
Dr. Biermann explains the Gospel frees me to live in the left hand realm and serve my neighbor and fulfill God’s law.
12 – Is the law of the left-hand kingdom the same as natural law?
Dr. Biermann defines natural law as the will of God for creation so it has always been there even when man chooses to ignore it.
33 – What does Paul mean when he says Christ is the end of the Law in Romans 10?
Dr. Lewis discusses the ideas around Romans 10:4.
002- The Two Kingdoms, Part 2 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto continue their discussion of the Two Kingdoms Doctrine.
029- The Two Kingdoms – An Interview with Dr. Ron Rall
Dr. Siemon-Netto and Dr. Rall discuss the Left Hand and Right hand Kingdoms and when and how a pastor should respond to the Left Hand…