religious life
05 – What was the religious life like in the time of Jesus?
Dr. Oschwald gives an overview of Jewish religious life in the 1st century and how it differed from Christianity.
Household Worship
Prevailing social and cultural changes in America today influence the family life and their life in the church. Often our values, ethics and behavioral norms…
Global Nomads: Identity and Assimilation of 1.5 and second- generation Ethiopians in the United States
The goal of this research was to gain insight concerning what an effective Christian ministry to 1.5 and second-generation Ethiopian immigrants looks like by investigating…
A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Leadership Approaches in Ethiopian Immigrant Churches in the United States: Leadership Styles and Implications for Missions
The central research issue is to develop an understanding of how Ethiopian immigrant church leaders explain their lived experiences within the changing social contexts in…
Bonding and Bridging Social Capital Among Immigrants in the United States: A Study Reconciling Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Principles as a New Paradigm for Reaching Out to a Racially Disjointed Community
The research investigates the formation of social capital based upon the bonding and bridging of immigrants and non-immigrants in the 21st century by focusing on…