GOD’S TIMELINE: An Introduction to Theology for Laypeople By Rick Meyer
In God’s Timeline: An Introduction to Theology for Laypeople, Rick Meyer seeks to engage the reader in a theological journey that spreads across the whole…
Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 20, Part 6
Dr. Peter interprets the meaning of the Final Judgement and the ressurection of all flesh in Chapter 20.
Micah 5:3-5a
Micah 5:2-5a is appointed for Advent 4, Series C. Christ fulfilled the Davidic Promise and we are children of that fulfillment. We live and embody…
47 – What are the important differences between Creation and Evolution?
Dr. Okamoto explains the differences between evolution and creation and how sin, death and the devil are lost if God did not create the world.
27 – Why was Sunday selected as the day for Christian worship?
Dr. Just explains why Sunday is the Christian day of worship.
09 – What are some of Isaiah’s major theological themes?
Dr. Lessing discusses some of the themes in chapter 1 of Isaiah and explains they are carried out throughout the book.
21 – How is the next section connected to the previous one?
Dr. Lessing explains the universal judgement found in Isaiah 27.
57 – What does it mean when Jesus breathes on his disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit, and how does this relate to Penteco
Dr. Lewis explains the giving of the Spirit in John and then in Acts 2 on Pentecost.