A brief overview of Revelation and the 3 visions and the New Heaven and the New earth are covered.
Chapter Fifteen 1-8
The believers rejoice in song and know they are saved.
Chapter Seventeen 1-18
The great prostitute represents those who are teaching false Christianity and will be destroyed at the end time.
Chapter Sixteen 1-21
The seven bowls of judgement are poured out on the earth in a third account of the end of the world.
Chapter Fourteen 14-20
John sees another view of the end of the world in which the Christians are taken to heaven and the non-Christians suffer God’s wrath.
Chapter Twelve 5-16
The announcement of Jesus’ birth and the fleeing to Egypt are recounted and these problems will be ours also.
Chapter Twelve 1-5
The birth of Jesus and the church as the Bide of Christ are covered in these verses.
Chapter Fourteen 1-13
Those who believe are saved and have eternal life in Christ.