Chapter Nine 1-12
The first woe is locust with stingers to torment the people for their unbelief.
Chapter Seven 9-17
The glory of the church triumphant is presented in Revelation 7:9-17.
Chapter Four 9-11
The 24 elders and 4 living creatures are worshiping God the Creator.
Chapter Five 1-14
Christ is given all power in heaven and earth on his Ascension.
Chapter Four 1-8
An explanation of the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures in Revelation 4:1-8.
Chapter Three 1-13
The names of those who believe in Christ are written in the Book of Life.
Chapter Three 14-22
God warns about lukewarm Christians and that they will not be saved.
Chapter Two 18-29
The Old Testament character Jezebel is used to show the people how they have fallen away from Christ and are told judgement is coming.
The Son of Man
The meaning and importance that Christ referred to himself as the Son of Man throughout his ministry.