Chapter Two 8-17
The church at Pergamum is warned about ungodly actions and told to stand firm in the face of coming persecution.
Chapter One Part 2
The finish of the prologue and John’s view of Christ in his glory in heaven.
Chapter Two 1-7
The seven letters were sent to the churches in Asia Minor and out to all the other churches.
Chapter 1 part 1
Revelation 1 is the prologue for the book and gives connections back to the Old Testament.
How to Interpret
The thought pattern on which Revelations is written is a spiral view not a linear view of events.
The Relationship to the Bible
Although Revelation does not quote from other parts of the Bible it uses Old Testament imagery to connect it to the promise of God.
Revelation is about persecution, punishment and encouragement for Christians as we live in the End times.
The Purpose of Revelation
Suffering is in response to God’s Law and all will suffer Christian and unchristian alike.