Proper 16 • Isaiah 51:1–6 • August 24, 2014
This passage is about the end times in which the gospel is not only present (as it is in all such readings) but in which…
Proper 9 • Zechariah 9:9–12 • July 6, 2014
The people of God (depicted as the daughter of Zion/Jerusalem) are summoned to rejoice and exult at the king’s arrival.
Is the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness Biblical
Dr. Bode, Dr. Saleska and Dr. Gibbs discuss the two kinds of righteousness as being interwoven into the Bible and our relationship with God.
Two Kinds of Righteousness 2
People often confuse the two types of righteousness between God’s righteousness and civil righteousness.
Two Kinds of Righteousness 3
The difference between alien and proper righteousness.
Micah 6:1-8
Micah 6:1-8 is appointed for Epiphany 4, Series A. God has redeemed His people with rightous acts, yet they continue sinning. God desires justice, steadfast…
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: Isaiah’s four Servant Songs
The session gives an overview of Isaiah’s four Servant Songs and how they relate to the history of the Middle East.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: The Servant Justifies Many
Isaiah shows God justifying his creation through Christ and the writers of the New Testament reflect much of Isaiah’s words.
The Servant Justifies Many
Isaiah shows God justifying his creation through Christ and the writers of the New Testament reflect much of Isaiah’s words.