Epiphany • Ephesians 3:1–12 • January 4, 2015
Now, instead of the law separating Jews and Gentiles, God offered salvation apart from works of the law to both Jews and Gentiles.
Epiphany 2 • Isaiah 49:1–7 • January 19, 2014
This is the great epiphany—the mystery hidden for ages but now revealed, the surprising “new thing” of God’s salvation!
Proper 16 • Isaiah 51:1–6 • August 24, 2014
This passage is about the end times in which the gospel is not only present (as it is in all such readings) but in which…
Proper 19 • Genesis 50:15–21 • September 14, 2014
Filled with fear before the power of Joseph to kill them, and in the absence of Jacob to protect them, they come face-to-face with the…
Systematics I Class 02
Dr. Biermann discusses the importance of salvation of all creation and the importance of the Trinity in our faith.
Story-Lines of Scripture and Footsteps in the Sea
The aim of furthering Christian living in mission and community is entirely valid, provided it does not take upon itself ultimate goals. Nor is there…
Our Generous God
A family devotion based on the parable of the laborers in Vineyard and what we can do differently as a member of the family.