Numbers 21:4-9
Numbers 21:4-9 is appointed for Lent 4, Series B and for Holy Cross Day. God provided a way of salvation through the Bronze Serpent, which…
Chapter 13, Why the Bible
Dr. Kloha provides a summary of the Lutheran Doctrine of Scripture. He contrast this with Islam and Mormonism.
Chapter 14, Fully God’s Word
Dr. Kloha expounds upon the Lutheran Doctrine of Scripture, especially the fact that Scripture is both fully human and fully divine.
Old Testament Perspectives on Homosexuality – An Interview with Dr. Paul Raabe
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Rabbe discuss the Old Testament prohibitions on homosexuality.
Vicarious Substitution
The vicarious substitution of Christ gives us the Blessed Exchange.
Our salvation comes through Christus Victor and Christ as victim.
Theology of the Cross 2
The differences between predestination and double predestination.
Persuasion in the Art of Preaching for the Church
Throughout the following pages three major themes will be interwoven with the aspects of the preaching ministry mentioned above. The themes are pastoral in nature…
The Cosmic Christ of Colossians
This study was undertaken as an attempt to evaluate and possibly correct some recent interpretations of Christ’s person and work. Much of theology today has…