Spring 2014
“Daddy, Will Animals Be In Heaven?” The Future New Earth
A New Heaven and a New Earth or a recreated Heaven and Earth as God had always intended.
Proper 7 • Jeremiah 20:7–13 • June 22, 2014
Our text follows the account of the prophet smashing a clay jar (19:1–12) symbolizing the way God will smash the nation of Israel for their…
Easter 6 • Acts 17:16–31 • May 25, 2014
The true God is not detached and uninterested in humanity, as the philosophers understood the gods to be, but rather God is truly interested and…
Pentecost • Numbers 11:24–30 • June 8, 2014
God did not withhold his hand of blessing to the people of Israel, and he continues to stretch forth his hand, to give us our…
Holy Trinity • Genesis 1:1–2:4a • June 15, 2014
A close reading of the biblical narrative reveals a stark contrast between the creation account in Genesis 1 and the rest of the Old Testament…
MY BRIGHT ABYSS: Meditation of a Modern Believer. By Christian Wiman
Christian Wiman’s My Bright Abyss stands in a long line of spiritual writings that mix memoir with theology with a kind of deep spiritual insight.
Proper 13 • Isaiah 55:1–5 • August 3, 2014
He came to dance our dance with death, died on a cross, and rose victorious never to die again.
Proper 11 • Isaiah 44:6–8 • July 20, 2014
Witnesses of the Living God This approach focuses on the comparison of the God of creation who formed man with the gods formed by man…
Proper 9 • Zechariah 9:9–12 • July 6, 2014
The people of God (depicted as the daughter of Zion/Jerusalem) are summoned to rejoice and exult at the king’s arrival.