Proper 20 • Isaiah 55:6–9 • September 21, 2014
God therefore calls all humanity to true repentance, that is, to abandon their own wicked thoughts and ways and to return to God in faith—for…
Proper 22 • Isaiah 5:1–7 • October 5, 2014
God loved his Israel, his “pleasant planting.” He planted them to do good works, specifically to bring justice and righteousness to all people, but they…
Matthew 21:33-46
Matthew 21:33-46 is appointed for Proper 22, Series A. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants concludes with the image of Jesus as the cornerstone.
Matthew 21:33-46
Matthew 21:33-46 is appointed for Proper 22, Series A. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants is about salvation history. God cares for His vineyard, through…