volume 39
The Lordship of Christ and the Unity of the Church
The people of God are united by the Spirit-given confession of Jesus as Lord (1 Cor 12:3), incorporated into the body of Christ in baptism…
Epiphany 2 • Isaiah 49:1–7 • January 19, 2014
This is the great epiphany—the mystery hidden for ages but now revealed, the surprising “new thing” of God’s salvation!
Six Ways Ecumenical Progress Is Possible
Ecumenism can only be the outcome of both mutual and internal discernment in the churches. It will take time, it will involve missteps, and it…
Epiphany 3 • Isaiah 9:1–4 • January 26, 2014
The unrepented sins of Israel received their due; so the sins of our age will not go unpunished by God unless people confess their sins…
Proper 27 • 2 Thessalonians 2:1–8, 13–17 • November 10, 2013
Paul’s purpose is to quell fears that the day of the Lord has already come, to confirm these believers in their call to faith, and…
Epiphany • Isaiah 60:1–6 • January 5, 2014
Who are those in our neighborhood who have yet to be drafted into Jesus, the new Israel, brought into the light of the Lord, so…
Christmas 1 • Isaiah 63:7–14 • December 29, 2013
Deluded by the illusion of self-mastery and bolstered by the culture’s eager affirmation of the supremacy of the individual, autonomous man is as resistant to…
Proper 29 • Colossians 1:13–20 • November 24, 2013
Use these readings from various places and times in the scriptures to prepare us for the overarching reality: Christ the creator, Christ the ruler, Christ…
Light from Above, Laser Our Hearts
It is a great time to be in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ! To our seminarians, I hope this year will fuel your…