volume 41
Proper 7 • 2 Corinthians 6:1–13 • June 21, 2015 Servants of God as a Study in Contrasts
The one who was himself a study in contrasts, contradictions, and paradoxes asks no less of his servants and gives no less than his Spirit…
Proper 20 • James 3:13–4:10
James 3 and 4 stand among the harshest condemnations found in the NT.
Proper 22 • Hebrews 2:1–13 (14–18)
Not only did God honor us with the role of being responsible over creation, he now honors us by becoming a human creature so that…
Ronald R. Feuerhahn: Historian, Theologian, Churchman, Pastor
In memory of Ronald R. Feuerhahn: Historian, Theologian, Churchman, Pastor.
NEGOTIATING IDENTITY: Exploring Tensions between Being Hakka and Being Christian in Northwestern Taiwan
Christofferson speaks of the Hakka people, he prefers more malleable descriptors such as “being Hakka” or “doing things in the Hakka way.” This, in turn,…
Easter 3 • 1 John 3:1–7 • April 19, 2015
Being Like Jesus The almighty Creator, through the atoning death and bodily resurrection of his incarnate Son, has given you his wondrous love.
Proper 13 • Ephesians 4:1–16 • August 2, 2015
Just as your hands and your knees are gifts to you, gifts from God, so are the people around you gifts from God.
Faithful Witness in Suffering and Joy
Hardly experts on the subject of joy, we can at least become students of joy and suppliants of joy, and someday, perhaps, even coworkers of…