volume 41
In the introduction González defines and explains the hermeneutical key of “mestizaje” and situates Augustine within his own “mestizaje.”
Proper 21 • James 5:(1–12) 13–20
Regardless of which section of the pericope one selects, all three share the following themes: we are to live out our identity in Christ even…
Proper 10 • Ephesians 1:3–16 • July 12, 2015
It is through the durability of these promises applied to us that we find both the faithfulness and strength to love our neighbors, marking us…
Easter 4 • 1 John 3:16–24 • April 26, 2015 Preliminary Considerations
Christians do not simply resign from this world of harassment, resentment, and sorrow, but endure hardship trusting in the reconciling love God has lavished for…
Living in the Promises and Places of God A Theology of the World
In this discourse mutual witness is possible as the lives of both Christians and non-Christians function as a testimony to part of the story of…
Proper 18 • James 2:1–10, 14–18
For faith alone can justify; Works serve our neighbor and supply The proof that faith is living.
A CHRISTIAN IN TOGA: Boethius— Interpreter of Antiquity and Christian Theologian. By Claudio Moreschini
How the world of thought fostered by Neoplatonists, pagan and Christian, was being integrated into theology by leading Christian thinkers of the early sixth century,…
Proper 23 • Hebrews 3:12–19
Sin becomes altogether too common and familiar and so “safe.” The writer to the Hebrews screams the contrary alert: Sin kills.
GRASSROOTS ASIAN THEOLOGY: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up. By Simon Chan
He states his purpose as “to force a rethink on the way Asian theology is currently undertaken and in so doing to show the distinctive…