volume 41
This volume is a must for anyone seeking an understanding of the transition from the Wittenberg Reformation to seventeenth-century Lutheran theology as well as the…
Lent 4 • Ephesians 2:1–10 • March 15, 2015
Secure in our relationship with God (by grace through faith – first kind of righteousness) we are empowered by God to live as God’s people…
Epiphany 5 • 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 • February 8, 2015
In a portion of the Collect the worshipper joins in praying that God the loving Father would enable him to do those things that are…
Lent 2 • Romans 5:1–11 • March 1, 2015
Suffering does not save, but those who have found salvation and peace in Christ can expect the hostility of Satan in the midst of daily…
Proper 15 • Ephesians 5:6–21
The Christian Life, A Wake up Call.
Pietism on the American Landscape
Pietism on the American Landscape from its beginnings to present.
Encomium for William Carr, Upon His Retirement
On the retirement of William Carr.
Homiletical Helps on LSB Series B—Epistles Easter 6 • 1 John 5:1–8 • May 10, 2015
Homiletical Helps on LSB Series B—Epistles Easter 6 • 1 John 5:1–8 • May 10, 2015
WHO IS THE CHURCH?: An Ecclesiology for the Twenty-First Century. By Cheryl M. Peterson
Peterson appropriates insights from communion ecclesiology, the missio Dei movement, and the Lutheran tradition, particularly Luther’s Large Catechism, in order to offer an account of…