Winter 2014
IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH FOR THE CHURCH:What It Means for Theology and Ministry By Allen Nauss
It is certainly true that “seminaries and the church’s clergy in the field can certainly become more effective in their ministry as they combine emotion…
A Timely Word from Luther on Recruiting Young Men for Pastoral Ministry
Luther’s admonition is one that is appropriate for parents and parishes today: “…your children are not so wholly yours that you need give nothing of…
Lent 2 • Genesis 12:1–9 • March 16, 2014
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have received the blessings of the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life, we have…
Lent 1 • Genesis 3:1–21 • March 9, 2014
By divine design, Genesis 3 is an inseparable part of a unit (Gn 1–3), and neither Genesis 1–2 nor Genesis 3 should be discussed without…
Palm Sunday • Isaiah 50:4–9a • April 13, 2014
After describing what Jesus will go through, the sermon retells how Peter answers correctly Jesus’s question about whom the disciples say he is only to…
Marriage The Divine and Blessed Walk of Life
Marriage is God’s divine and blessed walk of life for man and woman being true to each other, to be fruitful, to beget children, and…
Christian Counseling The Past Generation and the State of the Field
Gary Moon, vice president of Richmont Graduate University, says that Christian counseling, pastoral counseling, biblical counseling, and spiritual direction are all “sibling soul care disciplines.”
Pedagogy for a Politicized Church
Students will come, study, and leave Concordia Seminary either to join in the politicization of the church and thereby acquiesce to American culture or they…