Helping Contemporary People use Historic Liturgy
This project proposes that contemporary people need help understanding and utilizing historic liturgy. It shows how historic liturgy is contemporary by nature, and can be…
New Pericopal-Based Hymnody for Lutheran Corporate Worship
There are gaps where the corpus of hymnody in Lutheran Worship fails to support the lectionary used by that hymnal. This project produces thirteen new…
An Entry Level Lutheran Liturgy for Members and Guest
Influences inside and outside the Lutheran Church are pressing for change in worship style from liturgical to some free form alternative. Often the purpose is…
Celebrating God’s Grace: An Adult Information Course which Teaches the Doctrine of the Church as it is Expressed in the Worship of the Church
The writer did a thorough study of the ongoing relationship of worship and doctrine as an influence in the formation of Lutheran worship practices. He…
Deepening your worship life Lesson Six
Recorded at the Spring 1976 Lay lecture series, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Deepening your worship life Lesson Five
Recorded at the Spring 1976 Lay lecture series, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Deepening your worship life Lesson Four
Recorded at the Spring 1976 Lay lecture series, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Deepening your worship life Lesson Three
Recorded at the Spring 1976 Lay lecture series, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.