Proper 27 • Amos 5:18–24 • November 9, 2014
Through Amos, Yahweh roars judgment to the neighboring kingdoms around Judah and Israel.
Lent 5 • Ezekiel 37:1–14 • April 6, 2014
The resurrection is coming: that is the goal, and it brings hope to a hopeless people, not just death but resurrection.
Proper 21 • Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32 • September 28, 2014
The preacher is encouraged to give attention to the rhetorical structure of the pericope that reconstructs a conversation between Yahweh and Israel through Ezekiel, although…
Proper 24 • Isaiah 45:1–7 • October 19, 2014
The clear point is that “God is God, and we are not,” nor is any human government. When we look at the world around us,…
Proper 20 • Isaiah 55:6–9 • September 21, 2014
God therefore calls all humanity to true repentance, that is, to abandon their own wicked thoughts and ways and to return to God in faith—for…
Isaiah 44:6-8
Isaiah 44:6-8, God declares there is no other God but Yahweh and challenges anyone to prove otherwise.
Honorable Shame: The Rhetorical Use of Didactic Shame Discourse in Ezekiel 36:16-32
Mudge, Ronald R. “Honorable Shame: The Rhetorical Use of Didactic Shame Discourse in Ezekiel 36:16-36” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2012.328 pp. After promising Israel such…
17 – What name is being referred to with all the talk in John of believing in his name?
Dr. Grieschen explains the importance of the name of God is shared by the Trinity.
05 – Two Questions
Dr. Adams examines two questions from the book of Genesis.