Timothy Maschke reviews HOW TO THINK THEOLOGICALLY. By Howard W. Stone and James O. Duke. Second Edition. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006. 142 pages. Paper. $15.00.
Timothy Maschke reviews GOD WORDS: Intro to Classic Christian Theology. By Terry Dittmer, John Johnson, David Lumpp, Paul Raabe, William Weinrich and Dean Wenthe. St.…
David Loy reviews THE CAPTIVATION OF THE WILL: Luther vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage. By Gerhard O. Forde, Steven Paulson, ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,…
David Loy reviews THE AMERICANIZATION PROCESS AND THE SECOND GENERATION: The German Lutheran Matthias Loy (1828-1915) Caught Between Adaptation and Repristinization. By C. George Fry…
Reed Lessing reviews THE BOOK THAT BREATHES NEW LIFE: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology. By Walter Brueggemann. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005. 228 pages. Cloth. $35.00.
Reed Lessing reviews HOW MUCH DOES GOD FOREKNOW?: A Comprehensive Biblical Study. By Steven Roy. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006. 324 pages. Paper. $22.00.
Homiletical Helps on LSB Series C—Old Testament by Robert Hoehner
Homiletical Helps on LSB Series C—Old Testament by Henry V. Gerike
Homiletical Helps on LSB Series C—Old Testament by David R. Maxwell