By Quentin F. Wesselschmidt Preliminary considerations: In his recent book, The Lost History of Christianity (New York: HarperOne, 2008), Philip Jenkins writes: In the late…
By Henry Gerike The Great Fifty Days of Easter continue as the Church explores how it stays alive. Christ’s resurrection certainly makes us alive. To…
A few weeks ago I reviewed a fascinating book by Scott Weidensaul about the migration of birds in the western hemisphere. Here in St.
By Erik Herrmann The Good Shepherd. It’s such a well-known image. It seems to be relevant in every age—from the earliest times in the catacombs…
By Bruce G. Schuchard To Seek Him 1. One must look for the right Jesus 2. One must find him where he may be found…
Last year in a little article, “Can Lutherans Observe Earth Day?” I asked if being theologically conservative required us to be politically conservative on social…
By Bruce Hartung Among the many themes clearly evident from this text, e.g., doubt and faith using the experience of Thomas (20:24—29), belief in Christ…
My colleague, Tim Saleska, put me on to an op-ed in the New York Times regarding a ballot initiative that was passed by Californians to…
Sometimes I wonder if we conservative Christians have become what might be called second and third article Christians (that is we care only about the…