• Heaven Is For Real

    A Christian Father’s Sincere Love, and a Deeply-Flawed Understanding of Salvation.

  • Heaven and Hell, Children and Rob Bell

    May 21 has come and gone, we’re all still here. But “the end times” and what will happen to us when either the or our…

  • Will the world end on May 21?

    Will the world end tomorrow? Martin Luther’s answer is as good as any.

  • God, the Devil, Bob, and the problem of evil

    I just saw an episode of the animated rerun “God, the Devil, and Bob.” And it may have just explained the problem of evil.

  • Faith and the craft of writing

    “I heard a preacher say recently that hope is a revolutionary patience; let me add that so is being a writer” (Anne Lamott). In its…

  • Reframing the Story: The End of the Emergent Conversation

    Dr. Carol Geisler discusses trends within the emergent church “conversation” and their impact on denominational structures and practices, particularly those found in the Lutheran Church-Missouri…

  • The Tapestry of Preaching

    In connection with his article in the Spring 2011 Concordia Journal, Dr. David Schmitt presents a sermon preached in the Concordia Seminary chapel to illustrate…

  • The Preacher’s Studio: David Schmitt

    This new semi-regular video series features preachers discussing the art of preaching with students, faculty, and pastors within the context of a specific sermon they…

  • Spring 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL sneak peek

    Check out the Spring 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL, with an excerpt from David Schmitt’s tour-de-force on “the tapestry of preaching.”