by Jeffrey Kloha Perhaps no passage bears as much gravitas—and controversy—as Genesis 1:1. In our context, the text will immediately bring to mind the modernist “science…
In the last post, I mentioned a few examples of human influence on earth that have prompted many to now speak of the Anthropocene Epoch,…
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will offer a one-day pre-Lenten workshop for pastors on Friday, January 20, 2012 called “Seeing is Not Believing: The Passion Story…
by Henry Rowold Sometimes Christians find the prophetic writings strange territory because those writings seem to be an unending boiling and churning of divine wrath…
by Paul Devantier Today, we wait for word of some important event by staying close to the television, the radio, the Internet, or to our cell…
What happens when we use the term “mercy” to describe our actions toward our neighbor or the church’s orientation to the world?
by Jeffrey A. Gibbs The reading offers, in its OT context, a strong example of the truth that “God’s ways are higher and greater than our…
We’ve done it. We’ve remade creation according to our own needs, desires, and vision. And so it is now different than it has ever been…
by William Wrede Behold Your Salvation The Season of Advent presents unique challenges not only for the preacher but for the congregation as well. While shorter…