• Holy Texts, Human Hands

    Holy Texts, Human Hands

    The Boston Globe is reporting on the near-completion of a critical edition of the Koran. To those of us who have a different holy book…

  • How one seminary celebrated Earth Day

    How one seminary celebrated Earth Day

    Getting ready to plant 75 trees at Concordia Seminary. Credit: Diane Meyer/Respublica “Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Let’s go plant some trees!” Which…

  • Earth Day—40 Years

    Earth Day—40 Years

    I was finishing eighth grade and getting ready for confirmation when the first earth day was celebrated in 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin helped…

  • Earth Day: together with all creatures

    Earth Day: together with all creatures

    I blog elsewhere about the adventures (and misadventures) of trying my hand with a small hobby farm. Most of the time, the joys and struggles of…

  • When I Was a Seminary Student … Additional Reflections

    When I Was a Seminary Student … Additional Reflections

    Andy Bartelt, Vice President for Academic Affairs at Concordia Seminary, sent me a long e-mail commenting on my post on seminary pedagogy. Rather than inserting…

  • Historical For You, Not Wishful Thinking – An Easter Devotion

    Acts 10:40-41 A Devotion for Easter Season 2010 Paul R. Raabe “This one God raised on the third day and gave him to become manifest,…

  • “The Hermeneutical Naiveté of the Supreme Court”

    “The Hermeneutical Naiveté of the Supreme Court”

    Jim Voelz makes a case for the hermeneutical naivete – past and present – of the U.S. Supreme Court, in a reprint from Concordia Journal.

  • Day of Homiletical Reflection – May 5, 2010

    Paul Scott Wilson featured at Day of Homiletical Reflection, May 5.

  • History as Fad

    History as Fad

    Japanese pop culture has profoundly affected America. You probably recognize the words anime and manga, and you might even know that otaku (nerd or geek)…