By Bruce Schuchard The church’s celebration, its regular remembrance, of seminal events––like the Reformation––happens so that the faithful might be encouraged to remember and never…
In the Word from Concordia Seminary is a unique, complete electronic Bible study-in-a-box. All the materials you need to facilitate the Bible study topic are…
By David L. Adams The Text as Text Several significant translational issues arise near the beginning of this reading. First, the imperative ἐνδυναμοῦ (be empowered),…
Continued here: What makes a book sacred?
By Travis J. Scholl I am consistently in awe of the poetic beauty, the intimacy, the sincerity of Paul’s second letter to Timothy. The eloquence…
By David Schmitt On the celebration of St. Michael and All Angels, it would be easy to expand a sermon on this text in Revelation…